Writing for Engineers Portfolio

Self-Assessment Essay

I composed a few essays involving many different genres throughout this semester. I have been through ups and downs. However, I did learn many basic techniques that helped me write these essays. Which I can also use in the near future. Many of these strategies include drafting, collaborating and editing. In addition, there are parts of the essay that can alter the audience’s view including media, purpose, genre and stance. All in all, a piece can get altered and improved if one puts in the time and effort.

Developing many strategies such as, drafting and revising benefited me. One begins this process by reading. People should read multiple text so that they can get an idea of what they would prefer writing about. For example, for my lab report analysis I had to use the CCNY library website and look through multiple scholarly sources because these pieces showcased the multiple ways one can write their lab report. Moreover, after reading one would write a draft. Drafts are written because it’s impossible to write a perfect piece on the first try. Drafting allows one to make mistakes but also get their point across. Further, there is collaboration. Collaboration include at least two people. They would swop and read each other’s papers. Once they finish, they would give feedback to each other. As showcased below:

This illustrates my classmate Cindy Weng’s comments, on my Memo assignment. This is an effective way of bettering your assignment because people will detect mistakes that you have made that you would not be able to find. Personally, after writing the draft I would usually skim trough the paper, then make minor changes and hand in the final. I rarely decide to ask someone else to revise for me. However, after this experience I will defiantly make sure someone else looks over my writing, which helps bring the most potential out of my paper.

In addition, writing for engineers opened my mind. Before taking this course I never understood why engineers needed to take English/ writing courses, but after now I have a good understanding to why that’s the case. Within the engineering field we are constantly dealing with numbers and solving real life problems. However, engineers also do some writing within their respected companies. Most of this writing is used to teach and or persuade the public about a specific topic or an incoming innovation. Meaning writing is an important toll for us engineers to have because we would be asked to write a piece occasionally. Do to all the constant changes engineers make for society we need individuals to be able to connect and portray to the public about the changes that are occurring. The most effective way of doing so is through the use of writing. Throughout this semester there were many assignments given to us that would be similar to tasks that will be given to us in the future. One of these assignments was the preservation of a banana.

This assignment showed me how to properly write a report, where it addresses the purpose, problem and final results. This directly correlates with real world task because everything must be tested, then addressed, which was the main focus of this assignment along with the others.