Writing for Engineers Portfolio

the Formal Letter of Introduction


Dear Ms. Clark:

My name is Michael Pena and I am currently enrolled in The City College of New York. I chose to attend this school because of its great engineering program. I am majoring in Civil Engineering because I have always been interested in the structures of buildings, bridges and highways. I have seen construction workers building many kinds of infrastructure, however, the planning of these forms of infrastructure have always been a mystery to me.

My short-term goals are to learn as much as possible about the Civil Engineering field in all my engineering classes and future internships. After receiving all my necessary credits, I will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in engineering. My long-term goal is to obtain a Civil Engineering job, where I can incorporate everything I’ve learned in college into the real world. Additionally, along with having my academic and career goals, I envision myself owning a beautiful house where I can live comfortably for an extended period.

Engineering’s importance to society can not be measured. Almost everything on earth has been influenced by engineering, ranging from the production of music to the construction of buildings. This shows that the field of engineering can be used in any aspect imaginable. Overall, engineers can have a flexible range of career options because of their problem-solving skills. Engineers go into the situation, trying to solve problems, they are not trying to fix something. When placed in any given situation, one is expecting them to “fix” the problem meanwhile, their job is to create and look for multiple solutions that can possibly work. Nothing is ever broken, if one takes the time, effort and determination anything is possible. Therefore, engineers are open minded when facing challenges as there can be multiple outcomes.


Michael Pena